Brenda Stead (M.Ed, CC, CE)


Brenda Stead (M.Ed, CC, CE)

Brenda Stead brings a strong skill set, depth of experience and passion to her clients and projects. Prior to establishing Stead Consultants in 2010, she worked in various senior positions with the federal government, and in workplace and higher education, and community development.

She has over thirty years combined experience in the services being offered by Stead Consultants. These include: program evaluation and monitoring, strategic planning, applied research, professional development and training, facilitation, organizational development, counselling and coaching, and knowledge mobilization. Brenda has substantial experience as a director and consultant working with the public, private and not-for-profit sectors and in all phases of federal-provincial and multi-stakeholder agreements, programs, policies, initiatives, and engagements. Capacity-building and results-based programs and services were in support of the unemployed, working adults, employers, students, youth at-risk, persons with disabilities, clients in career and life transition, women, immigrants, newcomers, seniors, small business, and organizations.

Brenda has a great grasp of individuals, groups and organizational dynamics, as well as strong research and analytical skills coupled with systems thinking. She is a collaborative, objective, inquisitive, innovative, hard working, results-oriented consultant who approaches her clients and work from a positive and constructivist perspective.

Brenda is a credentialed evaluator (2012) Canadian Evaluation Society (CES), a National Quality Institute (NQI) certified organizational assessor (2000) – now Excellence Canada, and a long-time member of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA).   As an experienced professional, she applies the Standards and Guidelines for Ethical Conduct of these associations to her work.

While with Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (former Canada Employment and Immigration) she was delighted to be chosen to lead several innovative research and organizational change initiatives. In 2009, she received the Minister’s National Award of Excellence in Program Design and Delivery and in 2007 the Contribution Award for the transformational Service Canada Cross-Channel Service Delivery Initiative. Brenda has worked in seven provinces, nationally, and internationally. Such assignments included complex government-to-government World Bank funded projects in Eastern Europe and Asia to build public sector and community capacity to create and sustain change. As a senior consultant and trainer/facilitator work included: partnership negotiations, various assessments, facilitating strategic and business planning, designing and delivering a variety of staff and management training and coaching, advising on program/service design and delivery models, human resources planning, performance measurement, and monitoring and evaluation capacity-building.

Brenda holds a M. Ed (Ed. Psyc), B.Ed., B.A. Since 2008, she has been a sessional lecturer at the University of New Brunswick teaching counsellor education and research courses. She co-chaired two Atlantic Canada applied research conferences (2010, 2014), and has been a frequent presenter and workshop facilitator at numerous conferences and events (regional, national and international).

Brenda is a dedicated volunteer. For many years, she has played numerous leadership roles on professional boards and in the areas of training program design, developing standards, facilitating professional development workshops, marketing, and events planning. She also volunteers through university and related community venues as a tutor, mentor, and coach to immigrants and others.

Affiliations: Director, Canadian Evaluation Society & Member Professional Learning Committee (8/2010 – ); CES Representative, international Joint Committee on Standards for Program Evaluation (8/2010 – ); President, Canadian Evaluation Society – NB Chapter (8/2010 – 12/2014) & Coordinator, Professional Development (2007 – 2014); Member, American Evaluation Society (2010 – ); Member, Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (1996 – ); Founding Member, NB Career Development Action Group; Member, Canadian Society for Training and Development; and member of the local Chamber of Commerce, and Multi-cultural Associations.

Causes: Inclusiveness, literacy, international development (work and volunteer efforts in evaluation capacity building), and an eco-system balance project.

Interests: Travel, photography, cultural experiences, certified tour directing, writing and sports.

Website design and development by Olga Janina Chrzanowska